What does Allocated mean? Definition of allocated, Synonyms & Antonyms of allocated

Allocated dictionary definition

Button to refine the query with information from the external system, or to check the current settings. If you have changed these settings in another TMS window during this session, the changed settings are still in effect. Drop-down list, select either a single dictionary or All . If you select Allocated dictionary definition All, the system returns all omissions, unapproved Action assignments, or unapproved VTAs, including unapproved global VTAs. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word allocate. This is the British English definition of allocate.View American English definition of allocate.

  • You can see the current workload for any user in the Task Allocation by Quantity window and by creating a list of activities for any user.
  • You run the allocation process from the Allocate Tasks by Quantity window.
  • If you select a single domain, the system returns omissions, unapproved Action assignments, or unapproved VTAs that apply only to the domain you select.
  • The Pooled By Workload algorithm takes into account the number of tasks already assigned to a worker as well as the capacity you set for the worker.

Each time direct allocation fails, the system enters the information in this window. You can select the value All Dictionaries or you can select the name of a single dictionary. To allow a user to work on multiple dictionaries but not all dictionaries, select a dictionary in as many additional lines as necessary. Click the LOV ellipsis (…) on the right of the Dictionary field.

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

They allocated government funds to house building as an absolute priority. Allocatedmeans S106 sums retained by the reporting authority which have, or knowingly will be, used to fund a specific infrastructure project or infrastructure type. ‘Allocated’ also includes sums which will knowingly be passed to an external organisation.

Click the LOV ellipsis (…) on the right of the Account Name field. The UN has increased the country's share of allocations. Our allocation of resources is limited, and that is hindering our progress. To distribute according to a plan, generally followed by the adposition to. There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage.

Words related to allocated

You can still do automatic and manual pooled allocation, reallocation, and unallocation even when you are using Direct Allocation. TMS prevents two sessions from running automatic pooled allocation at the same time to avoid conflicts. TMS manages conflicts between direct allocation and automatic pooled allocation internally to prevent conflicts. Direct allocation will not allocate an approval task to the same user who created the unapproved VTA or unapproved Action assignment.

Is allocated an adjective?

Adjective. Having been granted an allocation; having received (something) as part of a plan or scheduled disbursement; having been assigned (something) that was set aside for a particular purpose.

Your resources can both save and earn you a lot of money. With this information, we can do a better job of allocating media dollars going forward.

Allocate Sentence Examples

During a given loop, the algorithm determines which workers should receive tasks and which should not, based on the workers' capacities. Find synonyms, antonyms and the meaning of the word allocated in our free online dictionary! Find words starting with allocated and anagrams of allocated. Looking for online definition of allocated in the dictionary? You can see the current workload for any user in the Task Allocation by Quantity window and by creating a list of activities for any user.

Who is usually responsible for the determination of what resources are required and allocated?

Who Is Involved in Resource Allocation? On the most granular level, a project or program manager is responsible for resource allocation. The project manager needs to assess what types of people, time, and tools will be needed throughout a project's schedule.

The Dictionary LOV appears, listing all the dictionaries to which the user has security access. To Yes when you are ready to start allocating tasks to this user. In the TMS_CONFIGURATION installation reference codelist, the DEALLOCONLY setting; see "DEALLOCONLY". Until you manually allocate them to other TMS users through either the Allocate Tasks by Quantity or the Allocate Tasks by Term window.

Translations of allocate

You run the allocation process from the Allocate Tasks by Quantity window. You can specify the workers to whom you want to allocate tasks and set workers' capacities each time you run the job. You can choose either an algorithm that allocates tasks based on workers' current workload as well as their capacities, or use an algorithm that uses only their relative capacities. The Direct Allocation algorithm is based on the capacities you define for each worker and each dictionary. The algorithm allocates tasks one task at a time as it loops through the set of available workers.

Allocated dictionary definition

Definition and synonyms of allocate from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. More funds will now be allocated to charitable organizations. The first rule avoids cluttering up the key with identifiers that account for only a small fraction of the total storage allocated. The store is not structured as a stack because storage can be allocated at any time during action performance.

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The definition of allocate is the act of portioning out something for a certain reason, or to a person or thing. The bulk of K–12 education funds are allocated to school districts that in turn pay for the cost of operating schools. Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne amended the budgets to re-allocate funds for sheriff's deputies to the Block by Block program, which staffs unarmed security https://accounting-services.net/ ambassadors who provide the city with supplemental law enforcement services. Direct Allocation does not take current workload into account when assigning tasks. To retrieve allocated unapproved Action assignments, go to the Approve Action Assignments window. Check the Maintain Direct Allocation Log Files window periodically to see if direct allocation has completed with errors.

Allocated dictionary definition

In depreciation it is the asset's cost that is assigned to each of the years that the asset is in use. In cost accounting it is the assigning of common production costs to various production departments, product lines, individual products, activities. The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes… Directors allocated $100 million to the search for oil. An example of allocate is when a group of people are lost in the woods and they divide up their food and water, giving out an equal portion to each individual.

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Add allocate to one of your lists below, or create a new one. In this method, the kinematic errors are allocated to the joints such that the loop equations are exactly satisfied, simplifying the treatment of multi-loop mechanisms. This elementary categorisation has not been entirely straightforward, and a few of the papers might have been differently allocated by another classifier. The care of women allocated to the routine primary care group was left to the discretion of their primary care teams. Decreasing returns to scale imply the existence of some other fixed factor of production, besides land, that must be allocated between crops.

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Direct allocation then proceeds automatically, allocating tasks as soon as an omission, unapproved VTA, or unapproved Action assignment is created in any way. In the Maintain User Task Allocation Pools window you must list each worker to whom tasks—classifying omissions, approving or rejecting unapproved VTAs and actions—can be allocated. For direct allocation, the capacity is a number between 0 and 100 that represents a user's capacity for work relative to other workers within the same dictionary or all dictionaries. It is not a percentage, and a worker's capacities for different dictionaries do not need to add up to 100. Price fixing, bid rigging & customer allocation harm consumers & taxpayers by causing them to pay more for products & services & by depriving them of other byproducts of true competition.

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