The Best Board Room Format – 6 Different Room Layouts

The ideal format for a boardroom is one that fulfills the needs of attendees and the kind of meeting. The right room layout can increase the effectiveness of group discussions and presenters, as well as the interaction between participants. This article explores 6 different layouts to aid you in choosing the most suitable setup for your conference room business.

The most popular layout, the boardroom style includes a single table with chairs around it from all sides. This layout is perfect for meetings that are agenda-driven and that encourages rapid interaction between participants. It is also ideal for brainstorming sessions or presentations because it gives everyone easy access to the whiteboard or screen.

The layout of the classroom is a traditional layout for meeting rooms. This is a great option for workshops or training sessions but not as effective for discussions or interactive learning experiences. The classroom format also offers improved line of vision from the front and sides for those who sit in the back.

A hollow square or empty square layout is a rectangular table arranged in a square at the center of the room. This kind of arrangement is ideal for collaboration sessions, as it places all participants on an equal footing and allows participation from both sides. The room is also ideal for videoconferencing or presentations, as the middle space allows for easy setting up screens and whiteboards.

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